“Steffany” Beauty Salon in Irkutsk


Location Siberian Federal District - Иркутская область
City Иркутск
Year 2021
Typology Floor/Wall Tiles
Collections Charme Deluxe
Information Design by architect-designer Anna Vyrupaeva – @anna_vyrupaeva

The interior features virtual reality motifs and is made using porcelain stoneware with the fitting name Statuario Fantastico 60×120 with honed satin finish from the collection Charme Deluxe. Dynamic contrasting streaks of rich hues have become the main accent in this unusual space.

The cosmetologist’s office was designed in a calm atmosphere, using snow-white marble effect tiles with barely noticeable veins, Bianco Michelangelo 60×120 with honed satin finish. The shower room features two types of mosaics: glossy Strip Michelangelo 26×75 on the wall and Split Michelangelo 30×30 on the floor; the grout joints act as anti-slip notches, for the safety of the guests.

Articoli utilizzati nel progetto

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